13. Push Changes to the Recipes Repository

Push Changes to the Recipes Repository


Add a new recipe to the repository

On your own computer, add a new recipe for a food that you like and commit it on the master branch.

Push your changes

Push the master branch to your fork. If you're having trouble remembering how to push, you may want to rewatch this video. When you're finished, continue to the next screen to answer a question about where your commit exists at different points in time.

Start Quiz:


Where was your commit?

Before you ran git push, your change should have only existed locally via git log. Commits will not automatically be shared to remotes - you have to manually push your branch if you want to share changes.

After you ran git push, your change should have existed locally and on your fork. It should not have existed on Larry's repository, which is the repository you forked. The reason you forked in the first place is because you don't have permission to change Larry's repository!